Psych Declares is a UK-wide network of mental health professionals and service users who are acting against climate breakdown. Recognising that the climate and ecological emergency is detrimental to mental health as well as posing a threat to life, livelihood and social cohesion, we believe we have a moral and professional duty to advocate for public mental health and global justice.
Our first campaign was lobbying the Royal College of Psychiatrists to divest its multi-million-pound portfolio from fossil fuel investments. With support from Medact, the campaign succeeded in February 2020.

How we organise:
The group meets monthly via Zoom. Agenda topics are generated by the group. Action points are circulated following each meeting. An active Whatsapp group is used to share relevant news, resources and meeting minutes.
Contact us:
Twitter: @PsychDeclares Add block

Since then, our strategy has broadened. We have built international networks and collaborate with aligned organisations. We are part of the Planetary Health Coalition and we work alongside EcoCAMHS, Health for Extinction Rebellion, XR Psychologists, Pharmacy Declares, Medact and several other climate x health groups.
We welcome new members who are interested in any part of our strategy.
Our work includes:
- Promoting sustainability within clinical practice
- Speaking at events (COP26, RCPsych events)
- Publishing academic writing
- Working with health institutions to act on climate including divesting from fossil fuels and advocate for climate action at a governmental level
- Non-violent direct action
- Building international networks & collaborating with aligned organisations